Tuesday, January 6, 2015

on photography

I chose not to bring my camera with me to India. It was a decision I went back and forth on, but ultimately decided that I would be more comfortable without it. As a tall, white, blond, young woman, I stick out here. I felt that adding a fancy dslr to the mix would only make me more of a target. And as impossible as it is, I do like to pretend that I can sometimes blend in a bit, and I didn’t feel that that would be possible to do with my camera.

I’ve borrowed my parents’ cameras a few times. I love taking pictures, but it has also reaffirmed my decision to not bring my own. It is so easy for me to get sucked into framing the perfect shot, messing with the iso and exposure. Sometimes it’s so much better for me to just take in what’s in front of me. To accept that I will never possibly be able to capture everything that my many senses can. So I just turn in lots of circles, walk slowly, and enjoy it while I’m there. And let that be enough.

With that being said, here are some grainy cell phone shots I've gotten: 

My bed in Bangalore

A chilly arrival in Delhi

The autos that are everywhere

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